Branding & Creation

My name is Faou Soulé;

Creative director as well as a brand, marketing and cultural strategist.

If you're here, it most certainly means that we should meet and discuss a future collaboration.

Sharing my entrepreneurial experience and putting it at your service.

In 2021, I launched Esthet. , a conceptual brand which offers a creative lifestyle through its ready-to-wear collections and the curation of artistic projects carried out in collaboration with the young African avant-garde scene.

I use my design studio, Esthet Studio as a laboratory, a playground to assert my expertise and deploy my creative vision.

I put at the heart of my approach collaboration, agility, learning by doing and experience.

With this concrete entrepreneurial experience and my professional experience, I have a good understanding of the issues that designers and brands may encounter. As well as larger organizations.

Women collaborating in the office


After a decade as a senior consultant in eBusiness and purchasing solutions - P2P on digital transformation projects, I have taken on new challenges : get into entrepreneurship, train myself (Executive MBA de l'Institut Français de la Mode et Mastère spécialisé Marketing et Digital de l'ESSEC Executive Education) and acquire new skills.

My professional background as well as my double degree give me the right perspective to support you on your projects.

My proposition to support you on your creative and cultural strategy.

Passionate about creative expression, I am an attentive observer of Africa's place in the contemporary art and the creative industries.

African art and creation are more and more recognized and honored on the international scene.

I've made my mission to showcase the young creative talents that the continent is overflowed with by providing their skills to you.

It is not only a question of releasing the potential for innovation and creativity of African youth, but above all of making them impactful. The challenge is twofold: economic (generation of wealth and employment) and socio-cultural (generation of values, meaning and identity).

My offer

Gradient that fades to transparency

I support you in the definition and implementation of your marketing strategy in a context of launch, transformation or development and help you meet your strategic and operational challenges.

Gradient that fades to transparency

I support you in the design and implementation of a strategy adapted to your cultural and / or artistic project.

I help you create value through an artistic direction and a creative ecosystem at the service of your project.

Gradient that fades to transparency

I help you integrate product design, development and sourcing into your brand strategy and support you in the selection and management of your partners in textiles and crafts based in West Africa..

I help you get the keys to structure your project and reveal its uniqueness by challenging you on its purpose, your motivations and your vision; and with relevant tools, methodology and experience sharing that will allow you to define, activate and deploy your strategy and promote your brand

Due to my alternate presence in Paris (France) and Cotonou (Benin), I put at your disposal my detailed knowledge of local cultures and contexts (French and West African), my skills, my professional and creative ecosystem for two-sided projects and an adapted approach as needed.

BRAND Strategy

Stand out, give meaning and enhance

  • Opportunity study: Market and sector characteristics, trends, competitive analysis, strategic diagnosis
  • Strategic positioning: Identification, value proposition and differentiation
  • Brand identity: Brand platform, Visual identity and graphic charter, Legal protection
  • Launch and development: Business model, strategic objectives, marketing mix
  • Digital communication: Social networks, storytelling, editorial content, SEO, influence strategy

cultural strategy

Create adhesion around your cultural project

  • Creative direction: Design of the artistic identity and coordination of your project.
  • Communication: Analysis of the purpose, positioning and uniqueness of the project, proposal of a communication plan according to the targets and ensuring its operational execution.
  • Content and digital marketing: Proposal of a digital strategy and relevant and original content to serve your vision and your strategic objectives
  • Events: Production of your events from concept to programming, production and communication

products strategy

The product at the service of your concept

  • Design office: Feasibility study, product design and development assistance
  • Sourcing: Search and selection of partners and local know-how (materials, embroidery, dyeing, artisanal weaving, screen printing, artisanal printing, manufacturers), materials purchasing
  • Production: Steering, monitoring, quality control and logistics

My work

As the founder and the creative director of Esthet Studio, I am responsible for defining and steering the brand identity as well as expressing the brand concept, values and the stylistic front :

  • Set the collection’s general trend and define the artistic universe
  • Run the studio and creative workshops
  • Define and oversee the brand’s image and communication
  • Curate all the artistic collaboration projects
  • Define the business strategy and run the operations
  • Coordinate the relation with the partners

Editorial campaign

Editorial campaign

Artistic curation

Wearable art

Part of the collections design, I curate and invite contemporary artists to associate their creative univers to Esthet.'s one.

Artistic curation

Musical journey

I have a launched the Esthet mix, a musical content format where a DJ is invited to interpret a theme with a mix/playlist.

Artistic curation

Creative content

Meet The Esthets is a short comic co-created with a young illustrator to showcase the lifestyle celebrated by the brand.

Experiential events

I design and produce events intended to immerse the audience in the Esthet. universe and make them live a cultural, fashion and artistic experience.

Let's collaborate

My social profiles :

Instagram Outline Logo

get in touch with me

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